Dr. Janice Light & Dr. David McNaughton (Penn State University)
Webcast Description
Literacy skills are critical for individuals who require AAC. Unfortunately, many individuals who require AAC experience significant difficulties in acquiring literacy skills.
This session will discuss effective evidence-based practices to maximize the literacy skills of individuals who require AAC. Case studies (including video) will be used to illustrate effective interventions to help student who require AAC:
(a) acquire phonological awareness skills,
(b) learn to read words,
(c) participate in shared reading activities with personalized books, and
(d) write their own stories.
With appropriate instruction, individuals who require AAC can achieve improved literacy skills and will be able to maximize their educational and vocational outcomes.
Additional Resources
The AAC Literacy website provides guidelines for teaching literacy skills to learners with special needs, especially learners with complex communication needs
A 10-item quiz based on the content of this webcast, is available at the AAC Learning Center Moodle. You will need to register at the AAC Learning Center Moodle in order to complete the quiz. Upon successful completion of the quiz, you will be able to download a Certificate of Completion.
This webcast was produced as part of the work of the AAC-RERC under grant #H133E080011 from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)in the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS)