Tim Jin
Tim Jin is a Communication Expert and Advocate who serves on several boards, government taskforces. and committees, and routinely speaks professionally at conferences and training seminars about his passion to expand communication access for everyone. Additionally, he directs Empowerment Programs at Disability Voices United and actively pursues personal fulfillment through the Self-Determination Program.
Webcast Description
Tim describes the impact of AAC technology on his communication and life experiences. This presentation was first made at the Future of AAC Research Summit on May 14, 2024.
Cite as
Jim, T. (2024, May 14). Evolving voices: Embracing change in AAC technology, the keyboard to my success [Video recording]. Future of AAC Research Summit, Arlington, VA. https://tinyurl.com/AAC-Jin-2024
Video production by Rebecca Wood (Penn State University)
Additional Resources
Tim Jin – 40 Years of AAC use. LOMAH Disability Podcast
Jin, T. (2021). “Toxic Conservatorships: The Need for Reform”: Submitted Testimony to Senate Judiciary Subcommittee [YouTube}]